Monday, March 16, 2009

St Patty's Day!

This morning, we were off to school in a beautiful Snoopy Shamrock dress that Grandma made specially for our "Green Day" at school. The dress was a huge hit with the teachers and parents alike....I could have sold a dozen of them! She looks darling in anything, but especially adorable today! Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Where have you been?

The reason my blog has been quiet this past week is because I have been in Atlanta playing pilot! The annual Women in Aviation Conference was in Atlanta and I organized the event for American Airlines. Naturally, I had to attend, and it was a nice time, but not nearly as much fun as it used to be. First of all, it was hell getting back into my uniform after being pregnant with twins! Yikes! More than that, leaving my children is like leaving my heart and soul behind,and as much as I enjoyed the 3 uninterrupted nights in a hotel room with no crying or potty-ing, I am glad to be back to them. Children really help you define what is truly important in your life. (For those of you who don't know me, I am the one on the far left in the group photo above.)

The Elusive Three

The ever elusive photo that is good of all three children....UGH. It is so terribly difficult to get! After 50 frames and a gallery of neighbors cheering me on, this is what I came up with!

Elsie saying "Tess, get your fingers out of your mouth!" Wonder where she heard that?!?!

Elsie saying, "No Tripp, look this way!" A loud motorcycle went by and everyone followed it!

GOT IT! They are so freakin cute!