Sunday, December 14, 2008

Daddy-Do List

Yesterday, before David came back from his trip, Elsie and I were out in the yard. She proudly announces "I'll be right back" and dashes into the house. She reappears with her scissors from her craft drawer and walks (a proud moment for me as many times I have said "Don't run with scissors!") over to this bush and begins cutting off little pieces! She informs me that this bush needed "the long scragglie pieces" cut off! After about 3 minutes she decided "we have to tell Daddy to cut this bush." This morning, after arriving home at midnight, David was given his "Daddy-Do List" (different from a Honey-Do List) and they went out together and trimmed the bushes. I cherish moments like these, for there will come a time when asking Elsie to help with yardwork will be met with whining and resistance, but for now, it's all fun and games. The raking is the best part!

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